Fish Picadillo

If you google the name 'picadillo', you will actually find it is the name of a typical Cuban dish made with ground beef. So I am sure you can understand how surprised I was when at the local supermarket, I found a cute tin of mixed spices by Jonnie Boer, called 'Picadillo'.
Got my glasses out of my handbag and read that what I was holding was actually a mix of dried herbs: paprika, garlic, chili, onions, oregano, red onion, cumin, jalapeno, parsley, coriander leaf, black pepper, chipotle, cinnamon, Jamaica pepper and lovage.
What no preservatives? No sodium glutamate? How about 'emulsifiers'? Nope! Once in a blue moon it is possible to bump into something considerably pure and healthy at the local supermarket!

Mixed spices like these make a wonderful 'quick fix' when you come home tired from work and you want a healthy bite.

What you need
•oven proof dish

(serves 4)
•1 tbs of Jonnie Boer's 'picadillo'
•50 ml of good quality virgin olive oil
•600 grams of white white fish (fillets)
•pinch of salt

What you do
•turn the oven on to 240C 
•mix the picadillo with the oil and add a pinch of salt
•arrange the fish in an oven proof dish and add the picadillo mix to it; let it marinade for at least 15 minutes (while you wait for the oven to reach the right temperature)
•pop the fish in the oven and cook for no proximately 10 minutes

This will work with about any type of white fish. Dare experiment with different spices!
I like to serve this dish with a simple salad, woked veggies or steamed white carrots.