This is the start to a list of books I would recommend to anybody interested in the topics discussed in my blog.
•Chesnut, J. L. The Wellness Prevention Paradigm. The Wellness Practice. Global Self Heath Corp. Victoria. Canada. 2011.
•Cordain, L. The Paleo Answer. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken. NJ. USA. 2012.
•Cordain, L. The Paleo Diet. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken. NJ. USA 2011 (2002).
•Davidson, R.J. The Emotional Life of Your Brain. How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel and Live -and How You Can Change Them. Pinguin Group. London 2012.
•Davidson, R.J. The Emotional Life of Your Brain. How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel and Live -and How You Can Change Them. Pinguin Group. London 2012.
•Dispenza, J. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. Hay House, London (2012).
•Gilles, L., Gilles, L. & co. Fait Maison. Hachette Livre, Marabout. France. 2011.
•Kluivers, L. De helende kracht van Do-In. Uitgeverij Synthese. Rotterdam. 2012.
•Lipton, B. The Biology of Belief. Unleashing the Power of Consciousness. Matter and Miracles. Mountain of Love/Elite Books. Santa Rosa, CA. USA 2011 (2007).
•Minger, D. Death by Food Pyramid. Primal Blueprint Publishing. CA. USA 2013.
•Perlmutter, D. Grain Brain. The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs and Sugar-Your Brain's Silent Killers. Hachette Book Group, NY. USA 2013.
•Minger, D. Death by Food Pyramid. Primal Blueprint Publishing. CA. USA 2013.
•Perlmutter, D. Grain Brain. The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs and Sugar-Your Brain's Silent Killers. Hachette Book Group, NY. USA 2013.
•Servan-Schreiber, D. Anticancer. A New Way of Life. Penguin. 2011 (2007).
•Tolle, E. The Power of Now. A Guide to Spiritual Enlightment. Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. London. 2005 (1999).
•Verburgh, K. De voedselzandloper. Over afvallen en langer jong blijven. Prometheus. Amsterdam. 2013 (2012).
•Tolle, E. The Power of Now. A Guide to Spiritual Enlightment. Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. London. 2005 (1999).
•Verburgh, K. De voedselzandloper. Over afvallen en langer jong blijven. Prometheus. Amsterdam. 2013 (2012).
•Van Wijk, K. Best Green Drinks Ever. The Countryman Press, VT. USA 2014.
•Wolfe, D. Eating for Beauty. North Atlantic Books, CA. USA. 2007.
•Wolfe, D. Superfoods. The Food and Medicine of the Future. North Atlantic Books. Berkley. CA. USA. 2009.